Thursday, 28 November 2013

Honest Trailer: THOR 電影老實說 :《雷神索爾》

Honest Trailer: THOR  電影老實說 :《雷神索爾》
Sabrina Wong

I am a huge fan of Hero movies and I sometimes go to Youtube to see some movie trailers, which are supposed to give you a brief introduction about the movie. Hoever, this time is Honest trailer! This series of trailers contain spoilers and its purpose is to provide audience a review of the moives. They are funny and hilarious as they point out the unreasonable flaws and bugs in the movie.

This time, it's the Honeast trailer of THOR.

It is not the orignial version but the Chinese version of the Hontest Trailer. Now let's take a look at the bilingual features in the trailer.

The speech community:
The chinese version is for Chinese user, especailly Taiwanese according to the words choice. English speaker could still be the audience but not targeted as they do not have need of using the chinese subtitle.

Societal bilingualism:
The language used in the trailer is for the language society. The producer translated English into Chinese is for chinese users.

Citizen readership:
The trailer is posted in the public video sharing platform and is free of charge. The readers are expected to be citizens rather than comsumers as the video is not advertising for any product.

Minimal bilingualism:

Most of th text is in Chinese with only a few exceptions. For example, CGI is kept in English . It stands for Computer-gererated imagery and can be translated as 電腦合成影像.  

Hobbyist producer:
The producer of the Chinese version is a hobbyist creator as he is not sponsored and supported by comanies. He could only use his own resources to do the translation.

Hope you enjoy the trailer!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Visit Serbia (South Eastern Europe)

As the most of you know I am from Switzerland, but what the most of you don't know that my parents are originally from Serbia. In fact of that, I want to take the opportunity to promote one of my two home countries, Serbia.

Serbia is located in South-Eastern of Europe. It is the only country in World which is using two different script, namely Latin and Cyrillic script. Serbia is the perfect mix of West and East Europe.
You can find the typical Western Europe buildings as well as beautiful churches, which are famous in Eastern Europe.

Here a short video about the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade (9min) :

Also good way to know Serbia is through food (4:13 min) :

PS: Novak Djokovic, the famous tennis player, and a lot of other famous athletes are from Serbia.

See you in Serbia!

By Milan

Monday, 4 November 2013

海洋生物的將來The future of the marine organisms

Hi I am Yobi.

【太陽報專訊】海洋公園六條雌性鎚頭鯊,短短八小時內接連離奇猝死該批被國際自然保育聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature <IUCN>)紅色名錄列為瀕危物種(endangered species)的鎚頭鯊(hammerhead shark),昨晨在「海洋奇觀」水族館游姿異常,隔離治療後不久就陸續猝死,疑是感染死亡率奇高的怪病。園方指館內其他海洋生物無異常,該批鎚頭鯊前日仍然很健康,園方對事件大惑不解,需進一步解剖調查。現時館內幸存的八條鎚頭鯊仍在海洋奇觀,性命危在旦夕。有專家指,以往海豚、海獅感染惡菌死亡多在夏季,今次情況有別往常。
A hammerhead shark.鎚頭鯊
Ocean Park said that the 6 hammerhead sharks were died in Facebook.海洋公園在facebook表示有6隻鎚頭鯊死了
國家農業部送贈5條中華(Acipenser sinensis) ,最年幼的一條中華鱘於623日,在海洋館被海狼(Sphyraenus咬死。
June 2008
The Ministry of Agriculture sent 5 Acipenser sinensis to the Ocean Park, the youngest one was bitten and killed by the sea wolf (Sphyraenus)on June 23 in the aquarium. 
December 2008
The second Acipenser sinensis which was shipped to Hong Kong in August ,was suspected that it did not adapt to the rearing water and it had some abnormal reactions before it died.
January 2009
There was another acipenser sinensis died because it was injured and did not adapt to the rearing seawater.

一條五歲雌性海豚(dolphin) 因膽管炎引致器官衰竭死亡。
September 2010
A yearold female dolphin was died due to organ failure and cholangitis. 
400條從日本引入的珊瑚魚(coral fish),因感染白點病死亡。
November 2010
About 400 coral reef fish imported from Japan were found to have white spot disease due to infection and died.
January 2011
A hammerhead shark introduced from Japan, for failing to adapt to the new environment and died.In the same month,there was also a tuna died on the way transported to the Ocean Park and the park said it is normal ecological phenomena .
同月5日被送往海洋公園治療的小玳瑁(small tortoiseshell)猝死。驗屍時在腸臟組織發現白色腫瘤,食道和腸道有非食物類別的外來物。
September 2013
small tortoiseshell which was sent to the Ocean Park for treatment suddenly died in May.During the autopsy,in the intestines tissue,it was found that there were some white tumor,and in the esophagus and intestinal there were some non-food categories of foreign objects.
 A small tortoiseshell.小玳瑁
The aim of Ocean Park.海洋公園的宗旨
The performance of the dolphins attracts hundreds of people.海豚表演吸引數以百計的觀眾
Stop eating shark fin.拒絕進食魚


News Reference:

Justin Bieber 嫖妓?

This is a scandal about Justin Bieber!
Blame it on Rio!
Justin Bieber tried to sneak out of a brothel in Brazil while covered in a sheet Friday — but photographers caught him red-handed.
The 19-year-old pop star and a friend spent more than three hours in the popular whorehouse Centauros in Rio de Janeiro — before leaving with two women, sources said.
He jumped into the back seat of a car while the women, who covered their faces, were put in SUVs and escorted back to his hotel.
Bieber’s security team covered him with a bedsheet bearing the sex den’s logo as he walked out of the establishment — and one of his handlers sprayed photographers with water, demanding they stop snapping, sources said.
The fotogs, who had been tipped off about Bieber’s visit to the whorehouse, confirmed it was the singer through his security team.
The Biebs was also identified by his gray wraparound wrist tattoo, which is visible in some photos, and his signature sneakers, sources said.
Bieber was later kicked out of the hotel for breaking rules, the Brazilian news Web site EGO reported. But another source insisted that Bieber left because hordes of fans mobbed the place, a creating a “security issue.’’
Sources at the hotel claimed he and his crew had for days been partying, doing drugs and disturbing people, according to EGO.
The singer, who had been staying at the upscale Copacabana Palace hotel in southern Rio, moved his entourage to a rented mansion in a gated community, the site ¬reported.
A spokesman for Bieber declined comment.
Bieber’s trip to the brothel comes after he allegedly spent the night with a hooker in Panama last week, the Panamanian newspaper Cronicas reported.
A prostitute told the paper that Biebs paid her $500 for sex after the two met at a nightclub in Panama City.
He took her back to his hotel room and the two smoked weed, she told the paper. After the sex, he returned her to the club, where she met back up with friends, she said.
Fans slammed the star via Twitter on Saturday, saying he’s too caught up in partying and sex.
“Justin bieber has officially lost it,” tweeted @Nessa1Glee.
Said @zeenieinabottle: “Don’t wanna hear him, see him, nothing. So done. This is absolutely disgusting.”
The singer also took to Twitter, denying he hired hookers.
“Please stop believing rumors, they are just that. bs rumors, getting tired of it, no truth to them. moving on now. seriously moving on,’’ he tweeted.


加拿大小天王Justin Bieber上月尾被爆在巴拿馬召妓後,他前日在巴西里約熱內盧再次召妓斷正!他當時被影到在當地一間妓院逗留超過三小時後離開,不過就被保安人員用毛巾笠頭上車走,有眼利網民認得出小Justin的紋身。小Justin上車後,有兩名女子上了另外一輛車,一同駛向小Justin下榻的酒店。小Justin最後因被指涉吸毒等不當行為而被酒店踢走。
From the above news, i found that the apple daily traslates this scandal all when keeping the person name (Justin Bieber) unchanged.
So, it seems the media would like to keep the name of famous and popular entertainer unchanged while they will change the political people. It's a habit.
Thanks for watching, Bye. Miller